Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Service Culture

Service is an ever-evolving process here in China. Even in Shanghai, the most commercial of cities, increasingly well attuned to global eteqitte (according to a recent poll), service at hotels and restaurants remains a bit elusive. For example, here I am sitting in my hotel at 7:30am with construction the floor above to wake everyone up. Or when the waiter and service guys stand two feet from your table as you browse the menu, but you have to stand up and wave to get them to take your order.

Unfortunately, it's not yet really in the culture, so it has to be taught, which is definitely a work in progress, even at high-end Western restaurants. I have had numerous experiences that would cause you to walk out of a Western establishment, and standard American service simply is not there yet, though usually in the little things (forgotten water glasses, empty plates piling up, hovering waiters). I hear it's getting better, though and in five years will be just like anywhere else. For now, only Starbucks seems to have really worked hard at drilling in friendly service to each and every employee; quite impressive, actually.


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